Sherbet the Owl

Just a quick post to show you this crochet project I did a while back. Meant to put pictures on way back when, but never got around to it and kept forgetting….*Who, me? Forget???” :-O

Anyway, here he is. Let me introduce Mr. Sherbet the owl-





Yep, there he is, in all his multi-colored cuteness.

If you’re interested in making an owl of your very own, I got the pattern from this book,

More Cute Little Animals To Crochet Front Cover

which can be found here. (I’m sure it can be found a lot of other places too, such as Amazon, but this is just where I ordered my copy from) There are two sizes for the owls and I believe I made Sherbet from the pattern for the larger one. He stands right at 5 1/4  inches tall.

Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend!



Christmas, New Year’s, and Beyond

Hello one and all!

Well the first full week of 2016 is over, and a new one has begun. How has the new year been going for you??

I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and a lovely New Year. My holidays were super busy, maybe a little crazy, almost overwhelming at times, but still nice.

I started working at a little shop in our downtown to help the owner out over the holidays and boy, was it busy! People sure do spend  lot of money over the holidays. @_@ Found out that, while I do enjoy putting together gift baskets for people, I do reach a point where it’s like “No. more. baskets. PLEASE.” I might never look at gift baskets the same way.. 😀 Hahahahhaha!

A lot of years I like to do at least some handmade gifts for people. I feel like, since I enjoy crafting, I’m in some way duty bound to give people handmade gifts. This was not one of those years. Time just wasn’t there to do that, but you know what, I didn’t mind. I quite enjoyed thinking up gift ideas, and just buying them, or finding something in the store that I just knew they would like. And I had a lot of fun going shopping with my sister for all our little nieces and nephews.

While on the topics of gifts, I got RAINBOOTS for Christmas! Cute ones at that. ;-D



They’re perfect for walking my dog on rainy days.

And then there was this pretty notebook and ring.



And then one of my favorite gifts that I gave was a necklace made from a Kentucky state quarter.


Isn’t it neat? I found it at a local craftsmen’s fair. The man who made them actually cut it out by hand. My sister likes horses so I thought she would really like it.

New Years’s Eve was an exciting night of Catch Phrase and othe games with family and friends, and watching BBC’s Emma. (any other Austen fans out there??)

New Year’s day my sister and I went to a contra dance. If you’ve never heard of contra dancing you can see a video of it here to get an idea of what it is. (and yes, I just found a random video on YouTube) It’s a lot of fun. You should totally give it a try.

So did any of you make any New Year’s resolutions? I personally don’t like the word  resolution. It just seems so, firm. Why make a resolution if you can be pretty sure you aren’t going to keep it? That’s just depressing! However, I do enjoy setting some goals for myself at the beginning of the year, either just for the next month, or over the course of the year.

Among my goals for this month and though out the year:

*Declutter and organize my craft room, and keep it relatively tidy 98% of the time… … …..  only time will tell how well I do on this one.

*Start journaling.

*Get into the habit of doing a little bit of exercise every day (even if it’s just two sit-ups. let’s keep this do-able folks!)

*Start doing all those adorable sewing projects I’ve been pinning.

*Get back to playing the piano more

And last but not least-

*Post on this blog more often.

FREE Printable New Years Resolution Motivators

Of all these resolutions, “Staying Weird” is the one I’m most confident I won’t have any trouble keeping. ;-D

If anyone has actually made it through this lengthy and rather rambly post, thank you. I appreciate it.

What goals do you have for the year?
